Monday, March 28, 2016

Good Interactive Design Taps Into Student Engagement

Source: Inequality Is
It goes without saying that in the world of our students today static doesn’t cut it. We get it, and we’ve abandoned many old PowerPoints, moved away from textbooks, and discarded our opus of worksheets. That’s why we are constantly on the prowl to find resources to help make learning participatory. When content is combined with good design, it provides a context for stronger understanding; when the design of information is interactive, it prompts students to engage with the material in a physical way.

Each of the interactive infographics below offer students active ways to connect with content. Each one is designed slightly differently, but they all hook users into wanting to know more.

Inequality Is

In this interactive infographic about income inequality, the audience is made to feel that the issue is “personal,” and it’s hard not to stay engaged when the user is told how much they will earn based on gender, age, education, and ethnicity. It also allows for custom comparisons that instantly adjust on the screen.  Check out the video under the “created” link, adjust income distribution under "real," or head over to “fixable” for some possible solutions to the issue. Inequality Is is an eye-opening way for students see the correlation between education and personal income.

Source: Inequality Is

Evolution Of Insight

This interactive infographic tells the story of market research using a timeline to navigate from 1890 to today. As participants travel through the decades, they learn how the growth of consumer research began from the early development of public opinion polls and focus groups to the age of big data today. It provides just enough useful bits of information for students to grasp the history of media and marketing. Evolution of Insight is a good resource for media literacy lessons, or in discussions on the ethical uses of gathering data.

Source: Evolution Of Insight

115 Years Of American Homes

This interactive is designed as if the user is taking a road trip looking at homes across the decades. In this case, the design is conducive to the timeline of travel, and with each new era the car transforms to adjust to the style of the decade. There are also interesting tidbits of information regarding fashion, home furnishing, and more as the user travels through time. Use this website in social studies classes to make historical comparisons between then and now, or perhaps even to predict what’s next.

Source: 115 Years Of American Homes

Designing content to be interactive elevates the participatory part of what modern learners want. The more active they are in the pursuit, the more likely the content will stick.

For other resources please visit The Benefits Of Good Design.