Thursday, September 19, 2013

Add #Edchat Radio To Your PLN

Source: #Edchat Radio
With the overwhelming number of new technologies, web tools, apps, and curricular demands, it almost seems impossible to keep up with everything. One solution we’ve never looked back on was adding Twitter to our PLN and following the #edchat hashtag.

If you are one of those educators who says, “I don’t have time to tweet,” fret not; there are other ways to follow up on the weekly #edchat conversations. The associated wiki page archives the transcripts from each chat. It’s fairly easy, therefore, to go back and review the exchanges that took place. They won’t disappoint.

Still feeling inundated with not enough time to read the weekly banter? Then check out the #Edchat Radio broadcasts on The Bam! Radio Network. Tom Whitby, co-founder of #edchat, hosts the show with Nancy Blair, an education consultant. The 12-15 minute interviews with educators in the trenches coincide with the topics covered in the weekly chats on Twitter. The casual, roundtable discussions are open, frank, and refreshing. The podcasts are also available as free downloads from the Apple iTunes store.
Source: Bam! Radio
Over the past two years, we have written posts about the importance of Twitter for professional development, and we still stand by that mantra. There are many targeted chats by grade level, discipline, and theme to truly inspire and engage teacher-learners willing to take the plunge. Whether you lurk, participate, read, or listen, take advantage of the free exchange of ideas on social media.

#Edchat takes place every Tuesday at 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. (EST). Join the movement! Check out this video produced by co-founder Shelly Terrell.

Other resources about #edchat:

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